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来源:http://www.jnacg.com 发布时间:2020-09-18 11:09:18 浏览次数:

Baidu love purchasing, originally belonging to Baidu Aladdin plan, is only independently divided, mainly used to display the third-party B2B website procurement and supply information.
The basic principles are as follows:
1. Improve user experience through keyword search and graphic display.
2. Pay to open better, regardless of big words, small words, industry words, long tail words, you can have the opportunity to online Baidu home page.
At present, the ranking rules of Baidu purchasing are still in the exploratory stage. The current way of entering the site can only be submitted through the third-party B2B platform. Baidu's unified membership price is 6980, which is equivalent to opening a shop in the third-party B2B, and then recommending you to Baidu love purchasing.
But for ordinary enterprises, it may be an opportunity. After all, it is a new product, which will be popular for a period of time. Search product keywords on Baidu, search results may appear Baidu love purchase, the following appear about four product pictures, because there are few enterprises settled in the early stage, these results are randomly picked out.
As for the effect of AIPO, from the enterprises cooperating with our company, through data analysis, a large number of big words, small words and long tail words can be directly searched and displayed in Baidu. The effect is intuitive and clear at a glance. You can directly search and query and test on the spot!
Three core elements of AIPO Ecology:
There are buyers: a large number of users and monthly search users have reached 700 million, and users can trigger billions of purchase demands anytime, anywhere.
Effective: accurate touch, tens of millions of users purchase through search every day, the conversion rate of search is far higher than that of other channels, and the transformation methods in the search environment are direct and diverse.
Efficiency: with tob experience, Baidu search has served more than one million enterprises, and there are many high-value ecological partners in the whole industry. The efficiency of enterprises can be improved by combining Baidu AI ability.
爱采购平台生于,增量可观,其搜索端口目前已是做生意的入口,16-18年 B2B 同比增长始终排名行业前列。可以说,爱采购,为入驻企业提供了一片广阔的商业蓝海,而商海遨游,少不了效果与效率两大利器保驾护航。
Baidu love purchasing platform was born in Baidu, with considerable increment. Its search port is now the first choice for doing business. The year-on-year growth of B2B in 16-18 years has always ranked the forefront of the industry. It can be said that Baidu loves purchasing, which provides a vast business blue ocean for the settled enterprises, and the travel of the business sea can not be without the escort of effect and efficiency.
Baidu love purchasing has effect
To put it bluntly, the effect of love purchasing is to help the settled enterprises to show Baidu's massive users in multiple terminals, increase the exposure of brands and products, improve the popularity of enterprises, attract customers and facilitate transactions