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来源:http://www.jnacg.com 发布时间:2021-08-04 14:08:34 浏览次数:

在这个瞬息万变的时代,很多企业都需要创新,打破传统营销模式,就连很大的搜索引擎近期也推出了新的计划--阿拉丁计划,爱采购,B2B垂直搜索引擎,帮助用户一站直达全 网商品信息,接触海量优良商家。
In this rapidly changing era, many enterprises need to innovate and break the traditional marketing mode. Even Baidu, a big search engine, has recently launched a new plan - Baidu Aladdin plan, baidu love purchasing, B2B vertical search engine, to help users directly access the whole network of product information and contact a large number of excellent businesses.
If you are careful and search for relevant keywords, you will find Baidu love purchasing on the home page. It is mainly on the result side of the search page. It shows four in the form of commodity list. Then click in to reach the relevant list page to view more relevant products.
如今,爱采购,被独立划分出来,主要用来展示第三方B2B网站的采购和供应信息,链接用户跟商家可以直接采购批发,让买家快速、便捷的找到优良货源,为商家提供海量匹配的询价单信息,获得更多曝光、快速达成 交易,降低成本、提升盈利。换句话说,就是开始了自己的B2B运营。
Today, baidu loves purchasing, which is divided independently, and is mainly used to display the procurement and supply information of third-party B2B websites. Linked users and businesses can directly purchase and wholesale, so that buyers can quickly and conveniently find excellent sources of goods, provide merchants with massive matching inquiry sheet information, obtain more exposure, quickly reach transactions, reduce costs and improve profits. In other words, baidu started its own B2B operation.
So, what benefits can baidu love procurement bring to enterprises?
1. Improve user experience through keyword search and graphic display
When searching for relevant keywords, baidu love purchasing will be found on the home page. Four are displayed in the form of commodity list, and then click in to reach the relevant list page to view more relevant products.
2. Product content source
The product is to aggregate other B2B websites or directly capture the content of other B2B websites.
Baidu love purchase search results have two categories: one is from other B2B platforms, and the other is love purchase aggregation.
Through browsing and clicking, it is found that clicking the search results from other B2B platforms will directly go to the commodity page of the platform, while love purchase aggregation will first enter Baidu's unified and standardized love purchase information page, and users can click to jump manually.
The procurement aggregation integrates the commodity information of many B2B websites, including but not limited to China materials network, Zhuo Caihui, sohaohuo, Huicong, Zhongshang 114, Sumeng, 1688, etc.
Baidu love purchasing has given us a lot of reverie, but also let us see the birth of a new business form or the transformation of the old business form. Baidu love purchasing has been on the market since it was launched this year! Bring new marketing outlet and gospel to tens of thousands of b-end users. Are you ready for this new wave of Internet? The future has come. Will you come?