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来源:http://www.jnacg.com 发布时间:2023-03-15 10:03:04 浏览次数:

What are the ranking factors that affect Baidu Love Procurement? In fact, the core of influencing the ranking of Jinan Baidu Ai Purchasing is the quality of the products released. The specific information is as follows:
1. The editor suggested that when we put products on Baidu's shelves, we should reasonably set up three categories of products
2. Product image: try to upload the beautified image (put the product in the middle of the image, the watermark can not cover the product, and can be placed around the product, and the watermark can not exceed 20%)
3. Product parameters: add at least ten. The more the number, the better the ranking. It is related to the product
4. Product price: be sure to fill in the real price and avoid any inconsistent price
5. Authentic authentication: the authenticated merchants give priority to display and hope that each customer can authenticate
6. Product repetition: try not to repeat the product title, main picture and details
2、 The display position is different at different times
The simple understanding is that the display of goods will appear in different places at different times. For example, Xiaobian is searching for the key words of anti-corrosion tape of our online marketing course students. You will find that the ranking in the morning and afternoon may change.
3、 The change of ranking is also related to the region.
For example, searching for anti-corrosive adhesive tape in Jinan will make it easier to expand the exposure of products with local and surrounding searches. After opening an account, we can make it accurate to the third level in the store background-company information-area (fill in the third level truthfully: province/city/county)
What enterprises need to know is that entering Baidu Aigou is not effective if an account is opened. It needs to be regularly maintained and released on the shelf at the same time, and comply with Baidu rules. Come to our website for more information about purchasing https://www.jnacg.com Ask!