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来源:http://www.jnacg.com 发布时间:2021-10-08 15:10:18 浏览次数:

After more than a year of cooperation with Baidu love purchasing, it is found that the effect of businesses that have made the details page is very obvious, and the income and ranking are relatively good.
1. Since the product details page is a detailed description of our products, highlight the advantages and selling points of our products, so that customers can clearly know the advantages of our products. The details must be displayed. What customers want is to see how our products are, how quality they are, whether they are worth buying by customers, and what to do if there are quality problems with after-sales products, Another point is to grasp the overall coordination.
2. Show the strength of the company, show you the strength of the factory production process, list the agreed cooperative customers, and tell you the customization process.
3. The product details page is to let Baidu love purchasers clearly understand the advantages of our products. The details should be displayed. The picture size should not be too large or too small. If you want to highlight the manufacturer, you can upload the picture qualification of the factory.
4. Since the product details page is the details, it is a detailed introduction to our products. The details must be packed in place, so that customers can have a clear understanding of the products through the details page, combine graphics and text, highlight the detailed advantages of the products, and be targeted to a product. Customers see how the product is and whether it is worth buying, There is also the problem of after-sales. What about problems with product quality and how to deal with delayed delivery.
In the process of designing and making web pages for many small and medium-sized enterprises, many enterprises do not realize the importance of product detail pages. Many of them are a picture with several text descriptions. In fact, this practice is useless,