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来源:http://www.jnacg.com 发布时间:2021-09-30 10:09:43 浏览次数:

由于爱采购是轮播展现制,在这样的规则下,商家必 须坚持每天更新供应才能得到更好的展现,而且爱采购的供应收录标准是比较严格的,商家不但要保证每天的供应数量还要保证供应的质量。对于预算比较充足的商家来说,可以聘请一名员工专门负责,但对于大多数没有预算的企业,就比较麻烦了。
Because Baidu love purchasing is a rotating display system, under such rules, businesses must adhere to updating the supply every day in order to get a better display, and the supply collection standard of Baidu love purchasing is relatively strict. Businesses should not only ensure the daily supply quantity, but also ensure the supply quality. For businesses with a sufficient budget, you can hire an employee to be responsible for it, but for most enterprises without a budget, it is more troublesome.
Therefore, the agent operation service has well solved the concerns of these businesses, and can help businesses optimize supply titles, keywords, batch image processing and detail description. Now, these service contents have become the standard for businesses to choose Baidu love purchasing service providers. Agent operation service can be said to set a new industry benchmark.
At present, the agent operation service starts from the following aspects: Merchants settled in Baidu love procurement, enterprise store construction and decoration, product planning and data analysis, supply release and supply optimization, effect tracking and adjustment. The key of these five modules is "supply release and supply optimization".
不同于其他B2B平台的是,爱采购不设用户后台,即企业、商家想要入驻爱采购必 须通过官方授权的第三方服务商来进行,这样的运营模式在很大程度上保证了入驻商家能至大限度地利用到平台优势。爱采购市场现在比较稳定,每天客户也在不断进驻,获客引流的效果也非常显著,大家从茫然懵懂到高度认可,这一路走来,感触非常深刻。
Unlike other B2B platforms, baidu love purchasing does not have a user background, that is, enterprises and businesses who want to settle in Baidu love purchasing must be carried out through an officially authorized third-party service provider. This operation mode ensures that settled businesses can make full use of the advantages of the platform to a great extent. Love procurement market is now relatively stable, customers are constantly entering every day, and the effect of customer drainage is also very significant. Everyone has a deep feeling from ignorance to high recognition.
Baidu love procurement has a high starting point and a late start. It has the traffic support of Baidu search engine, so the overall effect is relatively good. The response from users is that they receive calls every week. Baidu love purchasing, as Baidu's B2B purchasing wholesale platform, mainly gathers B2B site data through cooperation with major B2B sites, so that buyers can find the goods they want on Baidu love purchasing platform.